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Read on to learn the truth about boredom, and what you can do to stop feeling bored at work for good. matrimoniale canada femei calmh20.com
I’m bored – as you’re watching the same film over and over again, even though it’s your favorite one
When you experience something new, your brain releases opioids – chemicals which make you feel good. matrimoniale intalniri martial-art-forum.net [1]
It’s the feeling you might get when you taste a new food for the first time, watch a cool new film, or meet a new person. matrimoniale republica moldova femei 60 ani www.lifeshow.com.tw
However, the next time you have the same experience, the brain processes it in a different way, without releasing so many feel-good chemicals. matrimoniale radauti femei textprintlanka.com
That’s why you won’t get the same thrill when you eat that delicious meal for the tenth time, rewatch that film again, or spend time with the same friend. admin matrimoniale ro www.ecfiltersales.com
So, in a nutshell, we get bored when we aren’t having any new experiences. matrimoniale nr fastpage.name
Now, new experiences don’t have to be huge life changes – they could be as simple as taking a different route to work, or picking a different sandwich shop for lunch. matrimoniale constnata optorite.com
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We’re going to apply this theory to your boring job. craiova matrimoniale www.zdevelop.com
Keep reading find out how to make subtle changes to the way you work to defeat boredom and have more fun. matrimoniale italia cu nr de telefon unimedrecife.com
Your work can be much more interesting if you learn these little tricks. matrimoniale crestine autentic thebodyworks.biz
Ready to learn how to stop feeling so bored at work?
We’ve listed some simple suggestions below – you can start implementing these right now. galati matrimoniale 12inchclassic.net
Let’s do this. matrimoniale arad public 24 nty.northernlightcap.net
Make routine tasks more interesting by adding something new
Sometimes one new element is all it takes to turn routine tasks from dull to interesting. matrimoniale roman femei educatedproxy.net
Maybe there’s a long drive you have to make every single week. anunturi matrimoniale din ziare niksson.com You get so bored, going the same old route to make the same old deliveries. matrimoniale adventiste romania www.gladstonecommercial.net
Why not make it a routine to create a playlist of new music each Sunday, to listen to on your boring drive during the week?
Just like that, something you dread can be turned into the highlight of your day. anunturi matrimoniale salonta www.firsttrustautomotive.net
For other routine tasks, you could try setting a timer and trying to beat your record, moving to a new location to complete the task, or trying out a new technique for getting the work done – you might even improve your productivity, too.
Combine repetitive tasks to get them out of the way
Certain tasks are difficult to make interesting, no matter how hard you try.
Get these yawn-inducing chores out of the way ASAP by combining them into one quick, focused batch.
For example, if you hate listening to meeting recordings, and dislike tidying your desk, do them both at the same time. You’ll halve the time you spend bored out of your mind, and can move onto more interesting tasks as soon as you’re done.
Break large tasks into small pieces and plan breaks between them
Feeling overwhelmed can lead you to procrastinate and get bored.
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Try breaking up large tasks into lots of small pieces to keep things manageable and fun.
Try breaking up a 10,000 word report into 1000-word sections. Reward yourself at the end of each section, and you’ll get 10 mini mood boosts, instead of just one at the end.
You can also plan short breaks between each section, which will help to prevent boredom and keep you focused.
Give yourself regular rewards, it can be anything that makes you feel good
Make sure you reward yourself for achievements, even if they feel small.
Rewards could include:
- Eating your favourite snack.
- Taking a walk in a natural area.
- Spending a few minutes on a fun online game.
- Buying yourself a small treat.
- Visiting a new place.
- Spending time on a favourite hobby.
Your brain will come to associate work with fun rewards, and you’ll soon feel less bored and more motivated.
Boredom doesn’t have to be a fact of life.
Make your working life feel a thousand times more fun by following the simple tips above.