Indiferent daca legatura este familiala, comunala sau biologica, maternitatea – actul de a hrani si ingriji pe ceilalti – este fundamentul a tot ceea ce suntem. Fara mamele noastre, nu am exista. Ca protectori si profesori, ei ne arata cum sa supravietuim si cum sa construim o lume mai buna. matrimoniale oradea escorte

Pentru Ilyasah Shabazz, fiica activistilor pentru drepturile civile Malcolm X si Betty Shabazz, mama ei nu numai ca i-a invatat sensul iubirii si adevarului, ci si puterea compasiunii. „Totul inconjoara dragostea mea pentru ea”, spune Shabazz. Cand vorbeste despre mama ei, vocea lui Shabazz este calda. matrimoniale rm sarat Adancimea recunostintei, a afectiunii si a respectului fata de mama ei este aproape tangibila cu fiecare amintire pe care o povesteste.

De-a lungul paginilor noii sale carti pentru copii „Betty Before X”, co-scrisa cu I, fondatoarea Too Arts Collective, Renee Watson, mama lui Shabazz (care a fost abandonata de mama ei de la nastere la o varsta frageda si a fost in cele din urma crescut de un bine-vrut -o familie de plasament negru din Detroit) este conceputa ca o fata tanara in cautarea a ceea ce inseamna sa apartii, fiind totodata adevarata pentru ea insasi. Prin calatoria ei, cititorii descopera cum daruirea si dragostea lui Betty Shabazz pentru familia si oamenii ei au schimbat in cele din urma lumea. anunturi matrimoniale funny Este o poveste inradacinata in dragostea unei fiice pentru mama ei si ofera un portret minutios al unui erou american.

Am avut norocul sa vorbesc cu Shabazz la telefon despre ultima ei carte „Betty Before X”, necesitatea compasiunii si sfaturile care se schimba viata pe care mama ei i-a oferit-o in copilarie.

Betty Shabazz ascultand un difuzor in 1995; Ilyasah sta in fundal. matrimoniale femei timisoara

Cheryl Chenet Getty Images

Dianca London Potts: Care este cea mai veche amintire a mamei tale sau a unei lectii pe care ti-a invatat-o?

Ilyasah Shabazz: Imi amintesc ca am fost in masina cu mama mea [in timp ce] avea de gand sa faca niste greseli si imi amintesc doar sa ma uit la ea. Am crezut ca este doar cea mai frumoasa persoana pe care am vazut-o vreodata. In retrospectiva, stiu provocarile cu care s-a confruntat, dar persoana pe care a fost in fata mea a fost intotdeauna fericita si iubitoare ca un copil. matrimoniale lesbience Asadar, cred ca lectia pe care am invatat-o a fost despre dragoste si bunatate. Era vorba despre incredere si de a fi increzator cu cine esti si de a iubi cine esti. Importanta iubirii de sine si a bunatatii sunt lucrurile pe care ea s-a concentrat pentru ca noi sa fim eficienti pentru ceilalti si sa intelegem . imfree matrimoniale gay .. ca pentru a-i iubi pe ceilalti trebuie sa te iubesti mai intai pe tine. matrimoniale cu

DLP: Parintii tai sunt legendari la multi dintre noi din atatea motive, dar sunt si oamenii care v-au invatat importanta libertatii, a dreptatii si a adevarului. Cum te-a inspirat dedicatia mamei tale pentru dreptatea si serviciile sociale ca copil?

IS: Cand esti copil, orice ai invata de la parinti, crezi ca asa este lumea [este]. Am invatat de la parintii mei ca sunt amabili si iubitori si instructivi. anunturi matrimoniale femei fagaras Erau de incredere si aveau integritate. Cand am iesit in lume si am vazut ca lumea nu este neaparat asa, m-a facut sa ma uit la parintii mei si sa fiu foarte recunoscator ca acestia au fost oamenii care au ajutat sa modeleze pentru mine ce inseamna a fi fiinta umana. Am invatat ce inseamna sa fii femeie de la mama mea. matrimoniale barbati targoviste Am invatat despre ce este sa fii o persoana cu stramosi africani de la ambii parinti.

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Am invatat importanta serviciului, importanta integritatii, a compasiunii si ingrijirii prin modelul parintilor mei si sunt foarte recunoscator pentru asta.

DLP: Puteti vorbi un pic despre geneza din spatele „Betty Before X”? Care erau sperantele tale pentru aceasta naratiune?

Am invatat ce inseamna sa fii femeie de la mama mea. matrimoniale italia barbati 50-60 ani

Imi doream ca copiii sa poata deschide o carte si sa vada o reflectare a lor in ea. De asemenea, mi-am dorit ca acestia sa poata invata ceva despre istorie si sa inteleaga ca parintii lor aveau odata varsta lor, ca parintii lor sunt la fel ca acum, dar in corpuri mari. De asemenea, am vrut sa ma asigur ca povestea mamei mele era exacta. matrimoniale travestiti pitesti [Este] despre climatul social din acea perioada si Betty se intelege pe ea insasi in relatie cu parintii, cu familia, cu scoala si cu toate lucrurile cu care se ocupa fetele tinere astazi. [Este] o poveste despre o fata tanara care se intampla sa fie o fata afro-americana in istorie. [Vreau ca cititoarele sa inteleaga] ca multe fete tinere sunt la fel. anuturi matrimoniale constanta Nu conteaza de unde provin; multe fete tinere le plac papusile, muzica si moda si, de asemenea, sunt inteligente si activiste si au intrebari.

[I wanted readers] to know who Betty was and why her character was important to my father in choosing her as his wife. I wanted girls to see their own power through Betty, the power of activism and being responsible for others, and the importance of loving themselves, because it’s important for young people to understand compassion and care. matrimoniale publi 24 timisoara [I wanted them to know] that change happens when we’re compassionate about a situation, that it’s a blessing to share our individual experiences with each other.

DLP: What was the research and collaboration process with Renee Watson like?

IS: I researched by talking to my mother’s friends from when she was younger and with my grandmother before she passed away. I also spoke with her good friend Suesetta MacCree who just passed away in February. matrimoniale I’m so grateful that she was able to read the story and was happy with it. She shared so much about her relationship with my mother and the things that they did together. I’ve always talked with the people in my family just to hear about their childhood for as long as I can remember, so I also spoke to her sisters, my grandmother, and people who knew her along with Renee Watson. matrimoniale sec 2

I wanted girls to see their own power through Betty… caut femei singure matrimoniale the power of activism.

Renee is an amazing young lady. She’s very kind and compassionate and an excellent writer and novelist. matrimoniale She and I would have different discussions and then I’d get my Aunt Jimmie on the telephone and we talked to her together. We looked at the challenges of the 1930s and ’40s, what women were experiencing, and how people were effective, especially through the National Housewives’ League. [They were a Detroit black women’s organization that] was extremely important because when I was younger, [my mother] would talk about the things they did to make change and how important it is for young people to participate and care for people in the community. matrimoniale satu mare 2018

With this book, we knew we would be effective if we participated as change agents, so it was a collaborative effort with Renee and I.

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We would talk and she would write and send it to me and I would write and send it to her and ultimately, we completed a project that we are both very proud of.

Farrar, Straus and Giroux / Macmillan

DLP: What was the most difficult part of your mother’s story to write?

IS: I think what was most difficult was writing about her relationship with her biological mother, because one of the things that I had to come to terms with was how she felt unwanted — not being good enough for her [biological] mother. matrimoniale cisnadie But then when [my mother] became an adult, she created a program that was specifically geared toward ensuring that young, unwed, pregnant teens would not be shunned by society or sent south, as they were in her day, to have their child — [which would also] interrupt their education. This program she created — the Young Mothers Educational Development (YMED) program — educated young unwed women and make sure that once they delivered their children, they would be cared for in a daycare center so mothers could complete their education.

While it was difficult to imagine my mother hurt or pained, I ended up showing the positive of Betty being triumphant at the end. vand cumpar arad matrimoniale Even though her biological mother gave her away, she gave her away to a [foster] mother who loved her and helped inspire and cultivate so much for her.

DLP: Is there any advice that your mother gave you while you were a girl that helped you embrace your power as an individual?

IS: She was just really amazing. She was always encouraging. matrimoniale publi 24 braila The quote [of hers] that sticks with me the most is: „Just as one must drink water, one must give back.” I used to always say, „Mommy you’re the most important person in my life.” I loved her with every part of me, and she used to tell me, „Ilyasah, you have to focus on yourself. masaj matrimoniale bucuresti

Just as one must drink water, one must give back.

When you tell someone „I love you so much, you’re the most important person in my life,” and they tell you that you have to focus on yourself, that’s not the answer you’re looking for. You’re looking for, „I love you too, you’re wonderful. vand si cumpar matrimoniale ” But what she was basically saying is that you have to understand who you are and what values are important to you so that you do not compromise any part of yourself in order to have friends.

[She didn’t want me to] base my love on what someone feels about me. I base my love in what I feel about myself, so that’s how I identify my value system and I don’t compromise that in order to have friends. matrimoniale deva 2018 It’s not based on the color of our skin or religion, but it’s based on the content of our character. She helped me understand that by not turning around and saying, „You’re the most important person to me too.” She taught me that you have to focus on yourself, that just as one must drink water, one must give back. paturi matrimoniale cu lada It’s about what you are willing to do for your community. It’s about being rich in values and in service and in humanity.

This interview has been edited and condensed.

Dianca London is the author of the forthcoming memoir „Planning for the Apocalypse: Meditations of Faith and Being the Only Black Girl at Your Party.” Her writing can be found in The Village Voice, Lenny Letter, the AV Club, The Toast, and The Establishment, among others.

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