25 februarie 2020 18:27


Postat: 25 februarie 2020 18:27

Actualizat: 25 februarie 2020 21:13


Departamentul de corectii

AVERTIZARE: Acest articol contine continut grafic si deranjant

PASCO, Wash. – Un condamnat condamnat in varsta de 34 de ani si un lider de banda se afla in temnita din judetul Franklin pentru multiple infractiuni atroce, inclusiv trafic si promovarea prostitutiei – crime care au fost cuprinse in sase state.

Politia Pasco a inceput sa-l cerceteze pe Lance Horntvedt la sfarsitul lui 2017. Ancheta a inceput dupa o prostitutie intepata la un motel local. O femeie a fost arestata.

Ea a spus ca Horntvedt a dus-o la mai multe intalniri de prostitutie. Ea a declarat politiei ca a intalnit-o pe Horntvedt pentru prima data in iunie 2017. Potrivit documentelor judecatoresti, Horntvedt poarta numele de „King Handz” si este liderul discipolilor gangsteri.

El a intrat si a iesit din sistemul inchisorii de cativa ani si a condus un inel de trafic in sase state.

Victima, una dintre cele cinci in acest caz, a spus ca se prostitueaza pentru a-si sustine singura si obisnuinta cu drogurile. Cu toate acestea, Horntvedt a inceput sa-i ofere eroina.

In documentele judecatoresti, politia a spus ca acest lucru este comun in trafic si creeaza un sentiment de dependenta.

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Ulterior, Horntvedt a inceput sa-si puna reclame online, i-a spus cati bani pentru a percepe pentru servicii sexuale si cum sa-si spuna reclame.

Horntvedt a fost in inchisoarea judetului Walla Walla, in perioada 5 octombrie – 5 noiembrie 2017. In acea perioada, documentele judecatoresti spun ca apelurile telefonice inregistrate au dezvaluit ca Horntvedt vorbea despre faptul ca ar avea alte femei care lucreaza pentru el. El comunica cu victima din inchisoare, intreband cate „slujbe” facea.

El a amenintat victima de mai multe ori prin telefon. Documentele judecatoresti spuneau ca urma sa „o loveasca” pentru ca nu a sunat. De asemenea, Horntvedt a amenintat-o ca o va da afara cand a iesit din inchisoare.

Documentele judecatoresti spuneau ca el le-a spus victimei „daca oamenii imi spuneau cu adevarat ca nu vor mai respira”.

A few months after Horntvedt was released from the Walla Walla County Jail, he planned to take the victim to Utah to work, which court documents said was really sex acts. The pair got into an argument and Richland officers were called. Horntvedt allegedly threw her bag at her and knocked her to the ground.

Over in Utah, an authority with the Utah Attorney General’s Office played a role in this case. He interviewed more victims. Horntvedt allegedly met other girls in Utah.

The victim said she first met Horntvedt in Utah in February 2016. She told detectives that other women were given names, meant to be terms of endearment in the hierarchy of a trafficking enterprise, court documents said.

This victim said she was addicted to heroin when she met Horntvedt, which he would provide.

Celelalte femei, de asemenea, victime, au inceput sa-i vorbeasca despre „intalnirea” si au spus ca sexul nu va fi implicat. Atunci a fost adusa in statul Washington, dar cand a intrat in prima „intalnire”, a fost fortata sa faca sex oral la dealerul de heroina Horntvedt.

Horntvedt i-a spus ca trebuie sa faca sex cu el pentru ca el l-a platit deja pe Horntvedt pentru ea, au spus documentele.

Victima le-a spus autoritatilor ca se simte de parca ar fi trebuit sa efectueze acte sexuale pentru a impiedica celelalte victime sa fie agresate.

Cu alta ocazie, victima a spus ca nu vrea sa treaca cu o alta „intalnire”. Horntvedt i-a spus ca „trebuia sa lucreze ca lucrator sexual”, au declarat documentele.

Se presupune ca Horntvedt si-a luat iPad-ul, telefonul mobil si hainele. Ulterior, victima a putut iesi din statul Washington.

Court documents said hundreds of pages of Backpage ads with photographs of numerous victims were found by detectives – some containing both Horntvedt’s email and phone number. Some of the ads were posted in 2016 and 2017 – all involving a different victim.

The investigation continued into 2019 when officers interviewed more victims. According to documents, another victim met Horntvedt through Beau Higuera, another member of the Gangster Disciples. She met Horntvedt when he was released from jail in Arizona.

Horntvedt and Higuera allegedly posted sex ads online for the victim. Documents said, “Higuera was a protege of sorts to the Defendant in his sex trafficking enterprise.”

Horntvedt drove the victim to all her “dates” across the Tri-Cities. The other victims would sometimes go with her. Documents say most of the “dates” took place at houses and hotels. Each person was required to pay at least $150 for the victim to show up.

Once the victim returned back home, Horntvedt and Higuera would take all her money from the sex acts. Documents said the victims were also physically abused. Sometimes Higuera would hit her for no reason, court documents stated.

“The Defendant and Higuera told her that if she tried to leave they were going to ‘find her,” documents said.

Some of the states where the trafficking took place include Washington, Idaho, Arizona, Utah, Oregon and Colorado. However, he’s only been charged in Washington state at this time.

A few months later, another victim was interviewed by detectives. She said she first met Horntvedt in 2012. The victim said she was also physically abused and Horntvedt allegedly tried to strangle her. She was abused once or twice a week.

In 2015, Horntvedt talked to the victim about prostitution. Eventually, Horntvedt had her doing the sex acts daily or at least every other day, documents said.

She said if the other victims did something wrong, she was the one who would get beaten. According to the detective in the court documents, this is common for a pimp to abuse the bottom ranking female in a trafficking enterprise, often in front of the other girls in order to gain and keep their compliance.

On February 20, 2020, Horntvedt was arrested for multiple felonies. He’s facing five counts of trafficking in the first degree, one count of attempted trafficking in the first degree, and three counts of promoting prostitution in the second degree. Those range from class A to C felonies.

Horntvedt has been in custody since March 20, 2018. According to the Franklin County Prosecutor’s Office, he was sent to prison in 2018 and was later sent to the Benton County Jail for other local warrants and misdemeanors.

When those were resolved, he was transferred to the Franklin County Jail in 2020 to face his new charges.

According to the Washington state Department of Corrections, he is not on community supervision. He has been under the jurisdiction of the DOC for assault in the third degree, possession of a controlled substance, harassment, attempting to elude pursuing a police vehicle, and injury hit and run.

The Franklin County Prosecutor’s Office said his standard sentencing range is 298 to 397 months for the trafficking charges. That converts to about 24 years to 33 years in prison. The range does not include the other charges.

If special allegations or aggravating factors are charged, he could potentially face more than his standard range.

